
$ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


$getKeyPair() - Static method in class
$getServerId() - Static method in class


a() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.Unsafe
a() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory.Unsafe
a() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory.Unsafe
a() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Unsafe
a(int, ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory.Unsafe
a(int, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory.Unsafe
a(Inventory, Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Unsafe
a(Player) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
a(Player, byte) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Unsafe
a(Player, byte) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
a(Player, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Unsafe
a(Player, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
a(Player, Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Unsafe
a(Player, Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
a(Player, GameMode) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Unsafe
a(Player, GameMode) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
a(World, Entity) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
a(World, Entity) - Method in class
a(Key, BossBar) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.Unsafe
absorption - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
AbstractInventory - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
AbstractInventory(int, InventoryHolder, InventoryType, IntUnaryOperator, IntUnaryOperator) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
AbstractInventory.Unsafe - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
activeHand - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
add(double, double, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Adds the location by another.
add(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
add(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Adds the location by another.
add(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Adds the location by a vector.
add(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Adds a vector to this one
ADD - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.ALLOWLIST
addCustomChart(Metrics.CustomChart) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics
Adds a custom chart.
addEntity(Entity) - Method in class
addItem(ItemStack...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
addItem(ItemStack...) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Stores the given ItemStacks in the inventory.
additionalHearts - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
adjustBlockStateBits(int, Section, int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ChunkDataUtils
AdvancedBarChart(String, Callable<Map<String, int[]>>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedBarChart
Class constructor.
AdvancedMapChart(String) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedMapChart
Class constructor.
AdvancedPie(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedPie
Class constructor.
AFGHANISTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
air - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
AIR - Static variable in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ItemUtil
AIR - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
ALAND_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ALBANIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ALGERIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
aliasesMap - Variable in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
all(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
all(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Finds all slots in the inventory containing any ItemStacks with the given ItemStack.
all(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
all(Key) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns a HashMap with all slots and ItemStacks in the inventory with the given Material.
ALLOW_FLIGHT - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PLAYER
ALLOWING - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.ALLOWLIST
AllowlistCommands - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
AllowlistCommands() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.AllowlistCommands
AllowlistConfig - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
AMERICAN_SAMOA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
amount() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
amount(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
ANDORRA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
angle(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the angle between this vector and another in radians.
ANGOLA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ANGUILLA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ANTARCTICA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ANVIL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
An anvil inventory, with 2 CRAFTING slots and 1 RESULT slot
AnvilInventory - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
AnvilInventory(Component, InventoryHolder) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AnvilInventory
AnvilRenameInputEvent - Class in
AnvilRenameInputEvent(InventoryView, String) - Constructor for class
ARGENTINA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ARMENIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
An armour slot in the player's inventory.
ArmorStand - Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
ArmorStand(int, UUID, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
ArmorStand(Location) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
ArmorStand(World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
ArmorStand(UUID, Location) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
ArmorStand(UUID, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
arms - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
arrayContains(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomStringUtils
arrayContains(String, String[], boolean) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomStringUtils
arrowsInEntity - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
ARUBA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType
AUSTRALIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
AUSTRIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
AUTO_DETECT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
bStats will use the country of the server.
available(int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NetworkUtils
AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.GAMEMODE
AZERBAIJAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


b() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.Unsafe
b() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory.Unsafe
b() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory.Unsafe
b(int, ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory.Unsafe
b(int, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory.Unsafe
b(Player) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
b(World, Entity) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
b(World, Entity) - Method in class
B_STATS_VERSION - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics
BAHAMAS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BAHRAIN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BANGLADESH - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BARBADOS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BARREL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A barrel box inventory, with 27 slots of type CONTAINER.
BEACON - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A beacon inventory, with 1 CRAFTING slot
BELARUS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BELGIUM - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BELIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BENIN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BERMUDA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BHUTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Bitmask() - Element in annotation interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableField
BitsUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
BitsUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.BitsUtils
BLAST_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A blast furnace inventory, with a RESULT slot, a CRAFTING slot, and a FUEL slot.
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType
BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries
BlockFace - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.location
Represents the face of a block
BLOCKID - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
BlockState - Class in
BlockState(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class
bodyRotation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
BOLIVIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BONAIRE_SINT_EUSTATIUS_AND_SABA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BOOK_PAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
The lectern's current open book page
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
bossBarColorChanged(BossBar, BossBar.Color, BossBar.Color) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar.LimboBossBarHandler
bossBarFlagsChanged(BossBar, Set<BossBar.Flag>, Set<BossBar.Flag>) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar.LimboBossBarHandler
bossBarNameChanged(BossBar, Component, Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar.LimboBossBarHandler
bossBarOverlayChanged(BossBar, BossBar.Overlay, BossBar.Overlay) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar.LimboBossBarHandler
bossBarProgressChanged(BossBar, float, float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar.LimboBossBarHandler
BossBarUtil - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.util
BossBarUtil() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.BossBarUtil
BOTSWANA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BOUVET_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BRAND_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL - Static variable in class
BRAZIL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BREW_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
The progress of the down-pointing arrow in a brewing inventory.
BREWING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A brewing stand inventory, with one FUEL slot and four CRAFTING slots.
BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BRITISH_VIRGIN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BRUNEI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
build() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage.Builder
buildLegacyPingResponse(String, Component, int, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
buildServerListResponseJson(String, int, Component, int, int, BufferedImage) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
BuiltInRegistries - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
BuiltInRegistries() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries
BuiltInRegistries.BlockEntityRegistry - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
BuiltInRegistries.DataComponentTypeRegistry - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
BuiltInRegistries.ItemRegistry - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
BuiltInRegistries.MenuRegistry - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
BULGARIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BUNGEE_GUARD - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PROXY
BUNGEECORD - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PROXY
BURKINA_FASO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BURN_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
The progress of the flame in a furnace inventory.
BURUNDI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
BY_NAME - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.AllowlistConfig
BY_UUID - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.AllowlistConfig
byIsoTag(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Gets a country by it's iso tag.
byLocale(Locale) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Gets a country by a locale.
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType


c() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory.Unsafe
c() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory.Unsafe
callEvent(T) - Method in class
CAMBODIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CAMEROON - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CANADA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
cancel() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
Cancellable - Interface in
cancelTask(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
cancelTask(LimboPlugin) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
canItemQuickReplace(InventoryView, int, ItemStack, boolean) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
CAPE_VERDE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CARTOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Cartography inventory with 2 CRAFTING slots, and 1 RESULT slot.
CAYMAN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ceil(double) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CHAD - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
chat(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
chat(String, boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
chat(String, boolean, byte[], Instant) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
CHAT_DEFAULT_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
CHAT_FORMAT - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PLAYER
CheckedBiConsumer<T,U,TException extends Throwable> - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.utils
checkFinite() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Check if each component of this Location is finite.
checkFinite() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Check if each component of this Vector is finite.
checkFinite(double, String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
checkFinite(float, String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A chest inventory, with 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, or 54 slots of type CONTAINER.
CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
CHILE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CHINA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CHISELED_BOOKSHELF - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Pseudo chiseled bookshelf inventory, with 6 slots of undefined type.
CHRISTMAS_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ChunkDataUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
ChunkDataUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ChunkDataUtils
ChunkPosition - Class in
ChunkPosition(Location) - Constructor for class
ChunkPosition(World, int, int) - Constructor for class
ChunkPosition(World, Chunk) - Constructor for class
ChunkUtil - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.util
ChunkUtil() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ChunkUtil
ClasspathResourcesUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
list resources available from the classpath @ *
ClasspathResourcesUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ClasspathResourcesUtils
clear() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Clears the entity of all armor and held items
clear() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
clear() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
clear() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Clears out the whole Inventory.
clear(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
clear(int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Clears out a particular slot in the index.
clearTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
clearTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
ClickType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
What the client did to trigger this action (not the result).
CLIENT_CONNECTION_FLAG - Static variable in interface
CLIENT_SESSION_PACKET_HANDLER_FLAG - Static variable in interface
clientConnection - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
ClientConnection - Class in
ClientConnection(Session) - Constructor for class
ClientSessionPacketHandler - Class in
ClientSessionPacketHandler() - Constructor for class
clone() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
clone() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
clone() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Get a new vector.
CLONE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
CLONE_STACK - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
A max-size stack of the clicked item is put on the cursor.
close() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
closeInventory() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
cn.ycraft.limbo.command - package cn.ycraft.limbo.command
cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults - package cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
cn.ycraft.limbo.config - package cn.ycraft.limbo.config - package
cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value - package cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value
cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection - package cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection - package - package - package
cn.ycraft.limbo.util - package cn.ycraft.limbo.util
COCOS_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
COLLECT_TO_CURSOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The inventory is searched for the same material, and they are put on the cursor up to ItemStack.getMaxStackSize().
collectTasks(long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
COLOMBIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
color(BossBar.Color) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.BossBarUtil
com.loohp.limbo - package com.loohp.limbo
com.loohp.limbo.bossbar - package com.loohp.limbo.bossbar
com.loohp.limbo.commands - package com.loohp.limbo.commands
com.loohp.limbo.entity - package com.loohp.limbo.entity - package - package - package - package - package
com.loohp.limbo.file - package com.loohp.limbo.file
com.loohp.limbo.inventory - package com.loohp.limbo.inventory
com.loohp.limbo.location - package com.loohp.limbo.location
com.loohp.limbo.metrics - package com.loohp.limbo.metrics
com.loohp.limbo.permissions - package com.loohp.limbo.permissions
com.loohp.limbo.player - package com.loohp.limbo.player
com.loohp.limbo.plugins - package com.loohp.limbo.plugins
com.loohp.limbo.registry - package com.loohp.limbo.registry
com.loohp.limbo.scheduler - package com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
com.loohp.limbo.sounds - package com.loohp.limbo.sounds
com.loohp.limbo.utils - package com.loohp.limbo.utils - package
COMMAND_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
CommandExecutor - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.commands
CommandHandler - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command
CommandHandler() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
CommandSender - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.commands
COMOROS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
component(DataComponentType<T>) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
component(DataComponentType<T>, T) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
components() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
components(DataComponents) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
COMPOSTER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Pseudo composter inventory with 0 or 1 slots of undefined type.
ConfiguredMessage - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value
ConfiguredMessage(ValueManifest<TextContents>, BiFunction<Audience, String, String>, BiFunction<Audience, String, Component>, BiConsumer<Audience, List<Component>>, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage
ConfiguredMessage.Builder - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value
CONGO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CONNECTION_VERBOSE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.LOGS
ConnectionEstablishedEvent - Class in
ConnectionEstablishedEvent(ClientConnection) - Constructor for class
Console - Class in com.loohp.limbo
Console(InputStream, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.Console
Console.ConsoleErrorStream - Class in com.loohp.limbo
Console.ConsoleOutputStream - Class in com.loohp.limbo
ConsoleErrorStream(Console, OutputStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
ConsoleOutputStream(Console, OutputStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
consume(T, U) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.utils.CheckedBiConsumer
CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
A regular slot in the container or the player's inventory; anything not covered by the other enum values.
contains(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
contains(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Checks if the inventory contains any ItemStacks matching the given ItemStack.
contains(ItemStack, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
contains(ItemStack, int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Checks if the inventory contains at least the minimum amount specified of exactly matching ItemStacks.
contains(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
contains(Key) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Checks if the inventory contains any ItemStacks with the given material.
contains(Key, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
contains(Key, int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Checks if the inventory contains any ItemStacks with the given material, adding to at least the minimum amount specified.
containsAtLeast(ItemStack, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
containsAtLeast(ItemStack, int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Checks if the inventory contains ItemStacks matching the given ItemStack whose amounts sum to at least the minimum amount specified.
CONTROL_DROP - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Holding Ctrl while pressing the "Drop" key (defaults to Q).
convert(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ChunkUtil
convertSlot(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
Converts a raw slot ID into its local slot ID into whichever of the two inventories the slot points to.
COOK_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
COOK_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
The progress of the right-pointing arrow in a furnace inventory.
copy(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Copies another vector
COSTA_RICA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
COTE_D_IVOIRE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
countSlots() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
Check the total number of slots in this view, combining the upper and lower inventories.
CRAFTING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A player's crafting inventory, with 4 CRAFTING slots and a RESULT slot.
CRAFTING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
A slot in the crafting matrix, or an 'input' slot.
create() - Static method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
create() - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage
create(int, int, Chunk, Environment, List<Byte[]>, List<Byte[]>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ChunkUtil
create(Component, int, InventoryHolder) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.CustomInventory
createBossBar(Key, Component, float, BossBar.Color, BossBar.Overlay, BossBar.Flag...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
createCustom(Key, boolean, int) - Static method in class
createCustom(Key, int) - Static method in class
createEncryption(Key) - Method in class
createFixedRangeEvent(Key, float) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.sounds.SoundEffect
createInventory(InventoryType, InventoryHolder) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
createInventory(Component, int, InventoryHolder) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
createInventory(Component, InventoryType, InventoryHolder) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
createPropertySet(Class<? extends Object>, BeanAccess) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
createSectionData(Chunk, Environment) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ChunkUtil
createVariableRangeEvent(Key) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.sounds.SoundEffect
CREATIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Any action done with the Creative inventory open.
CREATIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
The creative mode inventory, with only 9 QUICKBAR slots and nothing else.
CROATIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
crossProduct(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Calculates the cross product of this vector with another.
crouching - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
CUBA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CURACAO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CurrentSchedulerTask(List<LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask>, List<LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.CurrentSchedulerTask
CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
CustomArrayUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
CustomArrayUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomArrayUtils
CustomInventory - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
customName - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
customNameVisible - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
CustomNBTUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
CustomNBTUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomNBTUtils
CustomStringUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
CustomStringUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomStringUtils
CYPRUS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
CZECH_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


DAMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
data - Variable in class
data() - Method in class
DATA_COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries
DataComponentCodec(Function<T, Tag<?>>, Function<Tag<?>, T>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType.DataComponentCodec
DataComponentType<T> - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
DataComponentType(String, DataComponentType.DataComponentCodec<T>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
DataComponentType(Key, DataComponentType.DataComponentCodec<T>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
DataComponentType.DataComponentCodec<T> - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
DataWatcher - Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
DataWatcher(Entity) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher
DataWatcher.WatchableField - Annotation Interface in com.loohp.limbo.entity
DataWatcher.WatchableObject - Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
DeclareCommands - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
DeclareCommands() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.DeclareCommands
decode(Tag<?>) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType.DataComponentCodec
DEFAULT_GAMEMODE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PLAYER
DEFAULT_TITLE - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AnvilInventory
DefaultCommands - Class in com.loohp.limbo.commands
DefaultCommands() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.commands.DefaultCommands
DENMARK - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
DENYING - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.ALLOWLIST
DIMENSION - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.WORLD
DIMENSION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
DIRECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
DISABLED - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.CHAT
DISALLOWED - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.CHAT
disconnect() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
disconnect(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
disconnect(Component) - Method in class
disconnect(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
disconnecting(DisconnectingEvent) - Method in class
disconnecting(DisconnectingEvent) - Method in class
dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
DISPENSER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A dispenser inventory, with 9 slots of type CONTAINER.
DISPLAY_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.LOGS
displayName() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
displayName(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
distance(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Get the distance between this location and another.
distance(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Get the distance between this vector and another.
distanceSquared(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Get the squared distance between this location and another.
distanceSquared(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Get the squared distance between this vector and another.
distanceTo(Entity) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition
divide(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Divides the vector by another.
DJIBOUTI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
DOMINICA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
dot(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Calculates the dot product of this vector with another.
DOUBLE_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Pressing the left mouse button twice in quick succession.
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
DragType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
Represents the effect of a drag that will be applied to an Inventory in an InventoryDragEvent.
DrilldownPie(String, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.DrilldownPie
Class constructor.
DROP - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
The "Drop" key (defaults to Q).
DROP_ALL_CURSOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The entire cursor item is dropped.
DROP_ALL_SLOT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The entire clicked slot is dropped.
DROP_ONE_CURSOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
One item is dropped from the cursor.
DROP_ONE_SLOT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
One item is dropped from the clicked slot.
DROPPER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A dropper inventory, with 9 slots of type CONTAINER.


EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
EAST_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
EAST_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
ECUADOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
EGYPT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
EL_SALVADOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
elytraFlying - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
EMPTY_CHUNK - Static variable in class
ENCHANT_BUTTON1 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the top button's experience level value.
ENCHANT_BUTTON2 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the middle button's experience level value.
ENCHANT_BUTTON3 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the bottom button's experience level value.
ENCHANT_ID1 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the top button's enchantment's id
ENCHANT_ID2 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the middle button's enchantment's id
ENCHANT_ID3 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the bottom button's enchantment's id
ENCHANT_LEVEL1 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the top button's level value.
ENCHANT_LEVEL2 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the middle button's level value.
ENCHANT_LEVEL3 - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the bottom button's level value.
ENCHANT_XP_SEED - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an enchanting inventory, the first four bits of the player's xpSeed.
ENCHANTING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
An enchantment table inventory, with two CRAFTING slots and three enchanting buttons.
encode(T) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType.DataComponentCodec
END - Static variable in class
ENDER_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
The ender chest inventory, with 27 slots.
Entity - Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
Entity(EntityType, int, UUID, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
Entity(EntityType, Location) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
Entity(EntityType, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
Entity(EntityType, UUID, Location) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
Entity(EntityType, UUID, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType
EntityEquipment - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.entity
An interface to a creatures inventory
entityId - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
entityIdCount - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
EntityUtil - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.util
EntityUtil() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.EntityUtil
Environment - Class in
equals(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
equals(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
equals(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Checks to see if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
EQUATORIAL_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
EquipmentSlot - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
ERITREA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ERROR_RED - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
ESTONIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ETHIOPIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
EVEN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.DragType
The cursor is split evenly across all selected slots, not to exceed the Material's max stack size, with the remainder going to the cursor.
Event - Class in
Event() - Constructor for class
EventHandler - Annotation Interface in
EventPriority - Enum Class in
EventsManager - Class in
EventsManager() - Constructor for class
EventsManager.ListenerPair - Class in
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.GameModeCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.KickCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SayCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SpawnCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.StopCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.VersionCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SubCommand
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.commands.CommandExecutor
executor - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager.Executor
Executor(LimboPlugin, CommandExecutor) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager.Executor


FALKLAND_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
FAROE_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Favicon - Class in
Favicon(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class
FAVICON - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
FIJI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
FileConfiguration - Class in com.loohp.limbo.file
FileConfiguration(File) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
FileConfiguration(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
FileConfiguration(Reader) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
FINLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
fireExecutors(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
first(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
first(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns the first slot in the inventory containing an ItemStack with the given stack.
first(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
first(Key) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Finds the first slot in the inventory containing an ItemStack with the given material
firstEmpty() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
firstEmpty() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns the first empty Slot.
firstPartial(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
fixedRange() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.sounds.SoundEffect
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
floor(double) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
FOOTER - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER.TAB_LIST
FORCE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.RESOURCE_PACK
FORWARD_FLAG - Static variable in interface
ForwardData - Class in
ForwardData() - Constructor for class
FORWARDING_SECRETS - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PROXY
ForwardingUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
ForwardingUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils
ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
FRANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
FRENCH_GUIANA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
FRENCH_POLYNESIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
FRENCH_SOUTHERN_TERRITORIES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
from(ItemStack) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ItemUtil
from(BossBar.Overlay) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.BossBarUtil
from(Key) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.SoundUtil
from(Sound) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.SoundUtil
from(Sound.Source) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.SoundUtil
fromId(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.DataComponentTypeRegistry
fromId(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.ItemRegistry
fromIntArray(int[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NbtComponentSerializer
fromKey(Key) - Static method in class
frozenTicks - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
FUEL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
The fuel slot in a furnace inventory, or the ingredient slot in a brewing stand inventory.
FUEL_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
The progress of the fuel slot in a brewing inventory.
FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A furnace inventory, with a RESULT slot, a CRAFTING slot, and a FUEL slot.


GABON - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GAMBIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
gamemode - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
GameModeCommand - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
GameModeCommand(DefaultCommands) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.GameModeCommand
GeneratedBlockDataMappings - Class in
GeneratedBlockDataMappings() - Constructor for class
GEORGIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GERMANY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
get() - Method in class
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
getAbsorption() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
getAction() - Method in class
getAction() - Method in class
getActiveHand() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
getAdditionalHearts() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getAir() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getAllowlistHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getArmorContents() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of all worn armor
getArmorContents() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getArmorContents() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getArrowsInEntity() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
getAsyncTasks() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.CurrentSchedulerTask
getAuthor() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginInfo
getBitmask() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class
getBlock(Vector3i) - Method in class
getBlockLight(BlockState) - Static method in class
getBlockLightBitMask(int, int) - Method in class
getBlockState() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getBlockX() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the floored value of the X component, indicating the block that this vector is contained with.
getBlockY() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the floored value of the Y component, indicating the block that this vector is contained with.
getBlockZ() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the floored value of the Z component, indicating the block that this vector is contained with.
getBodyRotation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
getBoots() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the boots currently being worn by the entity
getBoots() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getBoots() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getBossBars() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getBottomInventory() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getByOrder(int) - Static method in enum class
getCancelReason() - Method in class
getCarriedItem() - Method in class
getCarriedItem() - Method in class
getCarriedItem() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getChannel() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedBarChart
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedMapChart
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedPie
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.CustomChart
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.DrilldownPie
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.MultiLineChart
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimpleBarChart
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimpleMapChart
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimplePie
getChartData() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SingleLineChart
getChestplate() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the chest plate currently being worn by the entity
getChestplate() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getChestplate() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getChunk() - Method in class
getChunkAt(int, int) - Method in class
getChunkAtWorldPos(int, int) - Method in class
getChunkLength() - Method in class
getChunks() - Method in class
getChunkWidth() - Method in class
getChunkX() - Method in class
getChunkX(Chunk) - Method in class
getChunkXZ(Chunk) - Method in class
getChunkZ() - Method in class
getChunkZ(Chunk) - Method in class
getClick() - Method in class
getClickedBlock() - Method in class
getClickedFace() - Method in class
getClickedInventory() - Method in class
getClient(Session) - Method in class
getClients() - Method in class
getCodec() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
getCompoundTagFromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomNBTUtils
getConfigHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getConnection() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection.PacketReceiveEvent
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in class
getConsole() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getContents() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getContents() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns all ItemStacks from the inventory
getCountryIsoTag() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Gets the iso tag of the country.
getCountryName() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Gets the name of the country.
getCrossProduct(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Calculates the cross product of this vector with another without mutating the original.
getCurrentItem() - Method in class
getCurrentTick() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.Tick
getCustom(Key) - Static method in class
getCustomName() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getData() - Method in class
getDataFolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
getDataWatcher() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getDataWatcher() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getDataWatcher(Entity) - Method in class
getDeclareCommandsPacket(CommandSender) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.DeclareCommands
getDefaultExecutor() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
getDefaultKey() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.ItemRegistry
getDefaultSize() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
getDefaultTitle() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
getDescription() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginInfo
getDirection() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Gets the normal vector corresponding to this block face.
getDirection() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Gets a unit-vector pointing in the direction that this Location is facing.
getEntities() - Method in class
getEntity() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher
getEntityId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getEntries() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
getEnvironment() - Method in class
getEpsilon() - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Get the threshold used for equals().
getEquipment() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getEventsManager() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getExecutors() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
getFavicon() - Method in class
getFirst() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.Pair
getFormat() - Method in class
getFrom() - Method in class
Gets the location this player moved from
getGamemode() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getGlobalPaletteIDFromKey(Key) - Static method in class
getGlobalPaletteIDFromState(CompoundTag) - Static method in class
getHand() - Method in class
getHandler(String) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
getHeadRotation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
getHealth() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
getHeartBeat() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getHelmet() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the helmet currently being worn by the entity
getHelmet() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getHelmet() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getHolder() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Get the entity this EntityEquipment belongs to
getHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getHolder() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Gets the block or entity belonging to the open inventory
getHolder() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryHolder
getHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getHotbarKey() - Method in class
getId() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
Magic value
getId() - Method in class
getId(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.BlockEntityRegistry
getId(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.DataComponentTypeRegistry
getId(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries
getId(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.ItemRegistry
getId(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries.MenuRegistry
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
getIndex() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
getIndexOfArg(String, int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomStringUtils
getInetAddress() - Method in class
getInfo() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
getInput() - Method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getInventory() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryHolder
getInventory() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getInventory(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
Gets the inventory corresponding to the given raw slot ID.
getInventorySlots() - Method in class
getInventoryView() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getItem() - Method in class
getItem(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getItem(int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns the ItemStack found in the slot at the given index
getItem(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getItem(EquipmentSlot) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets the ItemStack at the given equipment slot in the inventory.
getItem(EquipmentSlot) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getItem(EquipmentSlot) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getItemInMainHand() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the item the entity is currently holding in their main hand.
getItemInMainHand() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getItemInMainHand() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getItemInOffHand() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the item the entity is currently holding in their off hand.
getItemInOffHand() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getItemInOffHand() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getKey() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
getKey() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
getKey() - Method in class
getLeftArmRotation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
getLeftLegRotation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
getLeggings() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the leggings currently being worn by the entity
getLeggings() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
getLeggings() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
getLength() - Method in class
getLevelName() - Static method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig
getLightEngineBlock() - Method in class
getLightEngineSky() - Method in class
getListeners(Class<? extends Event>, EventPriority) - Method in class
getListTagFromJson(JSONArray) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomNBTUtils
getLocation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getLocation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getLocation() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Get the location of the block or entity which corresponds to this inventory.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryHolder
getLocation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition
getMainClass() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginInfo
getMainHand() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getMainHandItem() - Method in class
getMaximum(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the maximum components of two vectors.
getMaxPlayers() - Method in class
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns the maximum stack size for an ItemStack in this inventory.
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessageHolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getMetrics() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getMidpoint(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets a new midpoint vector between this vector and another.
getMinimum(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the minimum components of two vectors.
getModX() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Get the amount of X-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
getModY() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Get the amount of Y-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
getModZ() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Get the amount of Z-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
getMotd() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.commands.CommandSender
getName() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
getName() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getName() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
getName() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginInfo
getName() - Method in class
getNewItem() - Method in class
getNewItems() - Method in class
getNextEntityId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getOffHandItem() - Method in class
getOldCarriedItem() - Method in class
getOnlineUUIDOfPlayerFromMojang(String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils
getOppositeFace() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
getOptionalTypeId() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
getOrder() - Method in enum class
getPacket() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection.PacketReceiveEvent
getParent() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SubCommand
getPeriod() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask
getPermissions() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.permissions.PermissionsManager
getPermissionsManager() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getPitch() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getPitch() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getPlayer() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInteractManager
getPlayer(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getPlayer(UUID) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getPlayers() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
getPlayers() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getPlayers() - Method in class
getPlayersOnline() - Method in class
getPlugin() - Method in class
getPlugin() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask
getPlugin(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
getPluginFolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getPluginFolder() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
getPluginJar() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
getPluginManager() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getPlugins() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
getPose() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getPotionEffectColor() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
getPrioritiesInOrder() - Static method in enum class
getProperties() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
getProperties() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties(Class<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
getProperties(Class<? extends Object>, BeanAccess) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
getPropertiesMap(Class<?>, BeanAccess) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
getProperty(Class<? extends Object>, String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
getProperty(Class<? extends Object>, String, BeanAccess) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProtocol() - Method in class
getQuickcraftHeader(int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
getQuickcraftMask(int, int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
getQuickCraftSlotCount(Set<Integer>, int, ItemStack, int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
getQuickcraftType(int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
getRandom() - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets a random vector with components having a random value between 0 and 1.
getRange() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.sounds.SoundEffect
getRawSlot() - Method in class
getRawSlots() - Method in class
getRawType(int) - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
getRegistries() - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
getRegistry(Key) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
getResources(Pattern) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ClasspathResourcesUtils
for all elements of java.class.path get a Collection of resources Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*"); gets all resources
getRightArmRotation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
getRightLegRotation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
getScheduler() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getSchemFileName() - Static method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig
getScore() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getSecond() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.Pair
getSelectedSlot() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getServer() - Method in class
getServer() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
getServerConnection() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getServerHost() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getServerPort() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getSession() - Method in class
getSignature() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils.SkinResponse
getSize() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getSize() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns the size of the inventory
getSkin() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils.SkinResponse
getSkinFromMojangServer(String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils
getSkinFromMojangServer(UUID) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils
getSkinLayers() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
getSkyLightBitMask(int, int) - Method in class
getSleepingLocation() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
getSlot() - Method in class
getSlot() - Method in class
getSlotType(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
Determine the type of the slot by its raw slot ID.
getSound() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.sounds.SoundEffect
getSpawnLocation() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStorageContents() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getStorageContents() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Return the contents from the section of the inventory where items can reasonably be expected to be stored.
getSubCommand(String) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
getSyncedTasks() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.CurrentSchedulerTask
getTabOptions(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
getTask() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask
getTaskId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
getTaskId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask
getTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AnvilInventory
getTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.CustomInventory
getTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getTitle() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.TitledInventory
getTo() - Method in class
Gets the location this player moved to
getTopInventory() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getType() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
getType() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getType() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns what type of inventory this is.
getType() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getType() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
getType() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition
getType() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask
getType() - Method in class
getTypeId() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
getUniqueId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getUnsafe() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
getUnsafe() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getUnsafe() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
getUnsafe() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
getUnsafe() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getUsers() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.permissions.PermissionsManager
getUuid() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
getValue() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
getValue() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimpleMapChart
Gets the value of the chart.
getValues(HashMap<Metrics.Country, Integer>) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedMapChart
Gets the value of the chart.
getVelocityDataFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils
getVersion() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginInfo
getView() - Method in class
getViewers() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
getViewers() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Gets a list of players viewing the inventory.
getWatchableObjects() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher
getWhichSlot() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class
getWorld() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getWorld() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getWorld() - Method in class
getWorld(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getWorlds() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
getX() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getX() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getX() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the X component.
getY() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getY() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getY() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the Y component.
getYaw() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getYaw() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getZ() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
getZ() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
getZ() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the Z component.
GHANA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GIBRALTAR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
glowing - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
GREECE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GREENLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GRENADA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GRINDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Grindstone inventory with 2 CRAFTING slots, and 1 RESULT slot.
GUADELOUPE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GUAM - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GUATEMALA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GUERNSEY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GUINEA_BISSAU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
GUYANA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


HAITI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
handActive - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
handle(Player, ServerboundContainerClickPacket) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
HANDSHAKE_VERBOSE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.LOGS
hasGravity() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
hashCode() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
hashCode() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
hashCode() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Returns a hash code for this vector
hashCode() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
hasNoBasePlate() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.AllowlistCommands
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.GameModeCommand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.KickCommand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SayCommand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SpawnCommand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.StopCommand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.VersionCommand
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.command.NamedExecutor
hasPermission(CommandSender, String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.permissions.PermissionsManager
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.commands.CommandSender
hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
hasSkyLight() - Method in class
hasSkyLight() - Method in class
HEADER - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER.TAB_LIST
headRotation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
health - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
HEARD_ISLAND_AND_MCDONALD_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
HEIGHT_MAP - Static variable in class
HELMET - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
hideBossBar(BossBar) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
hideBossBar(BossBar) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
hidePlayer(Player) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum class
HONDURAS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
HONG_KONG - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
HOPPER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A hopper inventory, with 5 slots of type CONTAINER.
HOST - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
HOTBAR_MOVE_AND_READD - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The clicked item is moved to the hotbar, and the item currently there is re-added to the player's inventory.
HOTBAR_SWAP - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The clicked slot and the picked hotbar slot are swapped.
HUNGARY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


ICELAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
id - Variable in class
ImageUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
ImageUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ImageUtils
imgToBase64String(RenderedImage, String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ImageUtils
indexOf(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
INDIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
INDONESIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
inetAddress - Variable in class
inRiptideSpinAttack - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
inventory - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
Inventory - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
Inventory.Unsafe - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryAction - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
An estimation of what the result will be.
InventoryClickEvent - Class in
InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView, InventoryType.SlotType, int, ClickType, InventoryAction) - Constructor for class
InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView, InventoryType.SlotType, int, ClickType, InventoryAction, int) - Constructor for class
InventoryClickType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryClickUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
InventoryClickUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
InventoryClickUtils.QuickCraftInfo - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
InventoryCloseEvent - Class in
InventoryCloseEvent(InventoryView) - Constructor for class
InventoryCreativeEvent - Class in
InventoryCreativeEvent(InventoryView, int, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
InventoryDragEvent - Class in
InventoryDragEvent(InventoryView, ItemStack, ItemStack, boolean, Map<Integer, ItemStack>) - Constructor for class
InventoryEvent - Class in
InventoryEvent(InventoryView, Inventory) - Constructor for class
inventoryHolder - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
InventoryHolder - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryIterator - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryOpenEvent - Class in
InventoryOpenEvent(InventoryView) - Constructor for class
inventoryType - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
InventoryType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryType.SlotType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryUpdateListener - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
inventoryView - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
InventoryView - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
InventoryView(Player, Component, Inventory, Inventory) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
InventoryView.Property - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
Represents various extra properties of certain inventory windows.
InventoryView.Unsafe - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
inverseSlotConvertor - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
invisible - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
ipAddress - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData
IRAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
IRAQ - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
IRELAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
isAllowed(UUID, String) - Static method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.AllowlistConfig
isAllowReadOnlyProperties() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
isArmorSlot() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
isBitmask() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
IsBitmask() - Element in annotation interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableField
isCancelled() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection.PacketReceiveEvent
isCancelled() - Method in interface
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
Gets the cancellation state of this event.
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCartesian() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Returns true if this face is aligned with one of the unit axes in 3D Cartesian space (ie NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP, DOWN).
isCreatable() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Denotes that this InventoryType can be created via the normal
invalid @link
isCreativeAction() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Gets whether this ClickType represents an action that can only be performed by a Player in creative mode.
isCrouching() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isCustomNameVisible() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isElytraFlying() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isEmpty() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Check whether or not this inventory is empty.
isFinite(double) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
isFinite(float) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
isGlowing() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isHandActive() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
isHandSlot() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
isInAABB(Vector, Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Returns whether this vector is in an axis-aligned bounding box.
isInRiptideSpinAttack() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
isInSphere(Vector, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Returns whether this vector is within a sphere.
isInvisible() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isKeyboardClick() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Gets whether this ClickType represents the pressing of a key on a keyboard.
isKnownType(Key) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
ISLE_OF_MAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
isLeftClick() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Gets whether this ClickType represents a left click.
isMarker() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
isNewSystem() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.sounds.SoundEffect
isNormalized() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Returns if a vector is normalized
isOnFire() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isOnlineMode() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
isOptional() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
IsOptional() - Element in annotation interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableField
isPotionEffectAmbient() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
ISRAEL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
isReady() - Method in class
isRightClick() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Gets whether this ClickType represents a right click.
isRunning() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
isShiftClick() - Method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Gets whether this ClickType indicates that the shift key was pressed down when the click was made.
isSilent() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isSimilar(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
isSkipMissingProperties() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
isSlot(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
isSmall() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
isSprinting() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isSwimming() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isValid() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
isValid() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher
isValid() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
isValid() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
isValidQuickcraftType(int, Player) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils
isWorldLoaded() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
ITALY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
ITEM_REGISTRY - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries
ItemStack - Class in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
ItemStack(Key) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
ItemStack(Key, int) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
ItemStack(Key, int, DataComponents) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
ItemUtil - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.util
ItemUtil() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ItemUtil
iterator() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
iterator() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
iterator(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
iterator(int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Returns an iterator starting at the given index.


JAMAICA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
JAPAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
JERSEY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
JORDAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
jsonComponentToTag(JsonElement) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NbtComponentSerializer


KAZAKHSTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
KENYA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
KeyedBossBar - Class in com.loohp.limbo.bossbar
KeyedBossBar.LimboBossBarHandler - Class in com.loohp.limbo.bossbar
KickCommand - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
KickCommand(DefaultCommands) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.KickCommand
KIRIBATI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
KUWAIT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
KYRGYZSTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


LAOS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LATVIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LEBANON - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LECTERN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A lectern inventory, with 1 BOOK slot.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
The left (or primary) mouse button.
LEFT_CLICK_AIR - Enum constant in enum class
LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
leftArmRotation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
leftLegRotation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
LEGACY_COMPONENT_SERIALIZER - Static variable in class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage
LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
length() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Gets the magnitude of the location, defined as sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2).
length() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the magnitude of the vector, defined as sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2).
lengthSquared() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Gets the magnitude of the location squared.
lengthSquared() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets the magnitude of the vector squared.
LESOTHO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LEVEL - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.WORLD
LEVELS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an beacon inventory, the levels of the beacon
LIBERIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LIBYA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LIECHTENSTEIN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LightEngine - Class in
LightEngine() - Constructor for class
LightEngineBlock - Class in
LightEngineBlock(World) - Constructor for class
LightEngineSky - Class in
LightEngineSky(World) - Constructor for class
Limbo - Class in com.loohp.limbo
Limbo() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
LIMBO_BRAND - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
LIMBO_IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
LimboPlugin - Class in com.loohp.limbo.plugins
LimboPlugin() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
LimboProtocol - Class in
LimboProtocol() - Constructor for class
LimboRunnable - Class in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
LimboRunnable() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
LimboScheduler - Class in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
LimboScheduler() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
LimboScheduler.CurrentSchedulerTask - Class in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTask - Class in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
LimboServerListener - Class in
LimboServerListener(NbtMap) - Constructor for class
LimboTask - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
listener - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
listener - Variable in class
listener - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
Listener - Interface in
ListenerPair(LimboPlugin, Listener) - Constructor for class
LITHUANIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
LivingEntity - Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
LivingEntity(EntityType, int, UUID, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
LivingEntity(EntityType, Location) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
LivingEntity(EntityType, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
LivingEntity(EntityType, UUID, Location) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
LivingEntity(EntityType, UUID, World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
load(String) - Static method in class
loadDefaultPermissionFile(File) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.permissions.PermissionsManager
loadPlugins() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
location - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition
Location - Class in com.loohp.limbo.location
Location(World, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Location(World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
locToBlock(double) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Safely converts a double (location coordinate) to an int (block coordinate)
loggedIn(Session) - Method in class
logs - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
longArrayToByteArray(long[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomArrayUtils
longArrayToIntArray(long[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomArrayUtils
LOOM - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Loom inventory, with 3 CRAFTING slots, and 1 RESULT slot.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class
LUXEMBOURG - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


MACAO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MACEDONIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MADAGASCAR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
mainHand - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
MAINHAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
MALAWI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MALAYSIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MALDIVES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MALI - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MALTA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
marker - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
MARSHALL_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MARTINIQUE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MAURITANIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MAURITIUS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MAX_PLAYERS - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
maxStackSize - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
MAYOTTE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
mcedit(String, Environment, CompoundTag) - Static method in class
MENU_REGISTRY - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.BuiltInRegistries
MERCHANT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
The merchant inventory, with 2 CRAFTING slots, and 1 RESULT slot.
metadata(Entity, boolean, Field...) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.EntityUtil
MetadataIndex() - Element in annotation interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableField
Metrics - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Metrics() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics
METRICS - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig
Metrics.AdvancedBarChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
Metrics.AdvancedMapChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom advanced map chart.
Metrics.AdvancedPie - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom advanced pie.
Metrics.Country - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
A enum which is used for custom maps.
Metrics.CustomChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom chart.
Metrics.DrilldownPie - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom drilldown pie.
Metrics.MultiLineChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom multi line chart.
Metrics.SimpleBarChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom simple bar chart.
Metrics.SimpleMapChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom simple map chart.
Metrics.SimplePie - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom simple pie.
Metrics.SingleLineChart - Class in com.loohp.limbo.metrics
Represents a custom single line chart.
MEXICO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MICRONESIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
The middle mouse button, or a "scrollwheel click".
midpoint(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Sets this vector to the midpoint between this vector and another.
MISS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType
MojangAPIUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
MojangAPIUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils
MojangAPIUtils.SkinResponse - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
MOLDOVA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MONACO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MONGOLIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MONITOR - Enum constant in enum class
MONTENEGRO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MONTSERRAT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MOROCCO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MOTD - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
MOVE_TO_OTHER_INVENTORY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The item is moved to the opposite inventory if a space is found.
MovingObjectPosition - Class in com.loohp.limbo.location
MovingObjectPosition(Vector) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition
MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType - Enum Class in com.loohp.limbo.location
MOZAMBIQUE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
MultiLineChart(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.MultiLineChart
Class constructor.
multiply(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a scalar.
multiply(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a scalar.
multiply(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a scalar.
multiply(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a scalar.
multiply(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Multiplies the vector by another.
MYANMAR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


NamedExecutor - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.command
NAMIBIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NAURU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NBT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
NbtComponentSerializer - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
NEPAL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NETHER - Static variable in class
NETHERLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NETHERLANDS_ANTILLES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NetworkConstants - Interface in
NetworkUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
NetworkUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NetworkUtils
NEW_CALEDONIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NEW_ZEALAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
newServerSession(Server, Session) - Method in class
next() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
nextContainerId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
nextId() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
nextIndex() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
NICARAGUA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NIGER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NIGERIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NIUE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NO_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
noArgs(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
noArgs(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.AllowlistCommands
noArgs(CommandSender) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.commands.DefaultCommands
noBasePlate - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
noGravity - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
none() - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
noPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
noPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.AllowlistCommands
noPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.commands.DefaultCommands
NORFOLK_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
NORMAL - Static variable in class
normalize() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Converts this vector to a unit vector (a vector with length of 1).
normalizePitch(float) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Normalizes the given pitch angle to a value between +/-90 degrees.
normalizeYaw(float) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Normalizes the given yaw angle to a value between +/-180 degrees.
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
NORTH_KOREA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NORTH_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
NORTH_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NORWAY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
NOTHING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
Nothing will happen from the click.
NUMBER_KEY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
One of the number keys 1-9, correspond to slots on the hotbar.
NumberConversions - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
Utils for casting number types to other number types


objects(String, int, Collection<?>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
objects(String, int, Stream<?>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
objects(String, Collection<?>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
objects(String, Stream<?>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
OFFHAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
ofString(String...) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage
OMAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
onDisable() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
onEnable() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
onException(CommandSender, String, Exception) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
onFire - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
ONLINE_MODE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
onLoad() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
openBook(Book) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
openBook(Book) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
openInventory(Inventory) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
OUTSIDE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
A pseudo-slot representing the area outside the inventory window.
OUTSIDE - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView


PacketBuffer - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
PacketBuffer() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.PacketBuffer
packetReceived(Session, Packet) - Method in class
packetReceived(Session, Packet) - Method in class
PacketReceiveEvent - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection
PacketReceiveEvent(ClientConnection, Packet) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection.PacketReceiveEvent
packetSending(PacketSendingEvent) - Method in class
packetSent(Session, Packet) - Method in class
PAINTING_VARIANT - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
Pair<F,S> - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
Pair(F, S) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.Pair
PAKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PALAU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PALESTINE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PANAMA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PARAGUAY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
parseGameMode(String) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.GameModeCommand
parseUUID(String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NbtComponentSerializer
PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
path - Variable in class
path() - Method in class
PermissionsManager - Class in com.loohp.limbo.permissions
PermissionsManager() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.permissions.PermissionsManager
PERU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PHILIPPINES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PHYSICAL - Enum constant in enum class
PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
PICKUP_ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
All of the items on the clicked slot are moved to the cursor.
PICKUP_ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
PICKUP_HALF - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
Half of the items on the clicked slot are moved to the cursor.
PICKUP_ONE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
One of the items on the clicked slot are moved to the cursor.
PICKUP_SOME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
Some of the items on the clicked slot are moved to the cursor.
PITCAIRN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
pitch - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
PLACE_ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
All of the items on the cursor are moved to the clicked slot.
PLACE_ONE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
A single item from the cursor is moved to the clicked slot.
PLACE_SOME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
Some of the items from the cursor are moved to the clicked slot (usually up to the max stack size).
Player - Class in com.loohp.limbo.player
Player(ClientConnection, String, UUID, int, Location, PlayerInteractManager) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A player's inventory, with 9 QUICKBAR slots, 27 CONTAINER slots, 4 ARMOR slots and 1 offhand slot.
PLAYER - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.KICK
PLAYER_FLAG - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
PLAYER_NOT_SPECIFY - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
PlayerChatEvent - Class in
PlayerChatEvent(Player, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
PlayerEvent - Class in
PlayerEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
PlayerInteractEvent - Class in
PlayerInteractEvent(Player, PlayerInteractEvent.Action, ItemStack, BlockState, BlockFace, EquipmentSlot) - Constructor for class
PlayerInteractEvent.Action - Enum Class in
playerInteractManager - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
PlayerInteractManager - Class in com.loohp.limbo.player
PlayerInteractManager() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInteractManager
playerInventory - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
PlayerInventory - Class in com.loohp.limbo.player
PlayerInventory(Player) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
PlayerJoinEvent - Class in
PlayerJoinEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
PlayerLoginEvent - Class in
PlayerLoginEvent(ClientConnection, boolean, Component) - Constructor for class
PlayerLoginHandler - Class in
PlayerLoginHandler() - Constructor for class
PlayerMoveEvent - Class in
Holds information for player movement events
PlayerMoveEvent(Player, Location, Location) - Constructor for class
PlayerQuitEvent - Class in
PlayerQuitEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent - Class in
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent(Player, ResourcePackStatus) - Constructor for class
players(String) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
players(String, int) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
PlayerSelectedSlotChangeEvent - Class in
PlayerSelectedSlotChangeEvent(Player, byte) - Constructor for class
PlayerSpawnEvent - Class in
PlayerSpawnEvent(Player, Location) - Constructor for class
PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent - Class in
PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent(Player, ItemStack, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
PlayerTeleportEvent - Class in
PlayerTeleportEvent(Player, Location, Location) - Constructor for class
playSound(Sound) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
playSound(Sound, double, double, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
playSound(Sound, Sound.Emitter) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
playSound(Sound) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
playSound(Sound, double, double, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
playSound(Sound, Sound.Emitter) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
plugin - Variable in class
plugin - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager.Executor
PluginInfo - Class in com.loohp.limbo.plugins
PluginInfo(FileConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginInfo
PluginManager - Class in com.loohp.limbo.plugins
PluginManager(DefaultCommands, File) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
PluginManager.Executor - Class in com.loohp.limbo.plugins
PluginMessageEvent - Class in
PluginMessageEvent(Player, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class
POLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
PORT - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
PORTUGAL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
pose - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
POSE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
POSITION - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
potionEffectAmbient - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
potionEffectColor - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
previous() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
PRIMARY_EFFECT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an beacon inventory, the primary potion effect
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(char) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(char) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(char[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(char[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
println(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleErrorStream
println(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console.ConsoleOutputStream
priority() - Element in annotation interface
PROMPT - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.RESOURCE_PACK
properties - Variable in class
properties - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData
PUERTO_RICO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


QATAR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
QUICK_CRAFT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
QUICK_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
QUICKBAR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
A slot in the bottom row or quickbar.
QuickCraftInfo() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils.QuickCraftInfo
quickcraftSlots - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils.QuickCraftInfo
quickcraftStatus - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils.QuickCraftInfo
quickcraftType - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils.QuickCraftInfo


REASON - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.KICK
REDUCED_DEBUG_INFO - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.LOGS
register(DataComponentType<T>) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.DataComponentType
registerCommands(LimboPlugin, CommandExecutor) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
REGISTERED_ENVIRONMENTS - Static variable in class
RegisteredCachedListener - Class in
RegisteredCachedListener(LimboPlugin, Listener) - Constructor for class
registeredCommands - Variable in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
registeredHandlers - Variable in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
registerEvents(LimboPlugin, Listener) - Method in class
registerHandler(CommandHandler, String, String...) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
registerSubCommand(SubCommand<?>, String, String...) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
registerWorld(World) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
RegistryCustom - Class in com.loohp.limbo.registry
RegistryCustom(String) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
RegistryCustom(Key) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
reloadConfig() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
reloadConfig(File) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
reloadConfig(InputStream) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
reloadConfig(Reader) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
RELOADED - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.ALLOWLIST
remove() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
remove() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
remove() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
remove(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
remove(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Removes all stacks in the inventory matching the given stack.
remove(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
remove(Key) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Removes all stacks in the inventory matching the given material.
REMOVE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.ALLOWLIST
removeBossBar(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
removeEntity(Entity) - Method in class
removeItem(ItemStack...) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
removeItem(ItemStack...) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Removes the given ItemStacks from the inventory.
REPAIR_COST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
The repair's cost in xp levels
RESET_COLOR - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
resetQuickCraft() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.InventoryClickUtils.QuickCraftInfo
resetTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
resetTitle() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
A result slot in a furnace or crafting inventory.
REUNION - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
REVERSED - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.AllowlistConfig
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
The right mouse button.
RIGHT_CLICK_AIR - Enum constant in enum class
RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
rightArmRotation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
rightLegRotation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
ROMANIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
rotateAroundAxis(Vector, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Rotates the vector around a given arbitrary axis in 3 dimensional space.
rotateAroundNonUnitAxis(Vector, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Rotates the vector around a given arbitrary axis in 3 dimensional space.
rotateAroundX(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Rotates the vector around the x axis.
rotateAroundY(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Rotates the vector around the y axis.
rotateAroundZ(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Rotates the vector around the z axis
ROTATION - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
round(double) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
run() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
runTask(int, LimboPlugin, LimboTask) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTask(LimboPlugin) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
runTask(LimboPlugin, LimboTask) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskAsync(int, LimboPlugin, LimboTask) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskAsync(LimboPlugin) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
runTaskAsync(LimboPlugin, LimboTask) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskLater(int, LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskLater(LimboPlugin, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
runTaskLater(LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskLaterAsync(int, LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskLaterAsync(LimboPlugin, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
runTaskLaterAsync(LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskTimer(int, LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskTimer(LimboPlugin, long, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
runTaskTimer(LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskTimerAsync(int, LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
runTaskTimerAsync(LimboPlugin, long, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
runTaskTimerAsync(LimboPlugin, LimboTask, long, long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler
RUSSIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
RWANDA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


SAINT_BARTHELEMY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAINT_HELENA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAINT_KITTS_AND_NEVIS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAINT_LUCIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAINT_MARTIN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAINT_PIERRE_AND_MIQUELON - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAINT_VINCENT_AND_THE_GRENADINES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAMOA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAN_MARINO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAO_TOME_AND_PRINCIPE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SAUDI_ARABIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
saveConfig(File) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
saveToString() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
SayCommand - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
SayCommand(DefaultCommands) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SayCommand
Schematic - Class in
Schematic() - Constructor for class
SchematicConversionUtils - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
SchematicConversionUtils() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.SchematicConversionUtils
schemV3(String, Environment, CompoundTag) - Static method in class
score - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
SECONDARY_EFFECT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
In an beacon inventory, the secondary potion effect
selectedSlot - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
self() - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage.Builder
SELF - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
sendActionBar(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
sendActionBar(Audience, Object...) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.config.value.ConfiguredMessage
sendActionBar(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendComponent(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendMessage(CommandSender, ConfiguredMessage, Object...) - Method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.command.NamedExecutor
sendMessage(CommandSender, String...) - Method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.command.NamedExecutor
sendMessage(CommandSender, UnaryOperator<String>, String...) - Method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.command.NamedExecutor
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.commands.CommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendMessage(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
sendMessage(String, UUID) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.commands.CommandSender
sendMessage(String, UUID) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendMessage(String, UUID) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
sendMessage(Identity, Component, MessageType) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendPacket(Packet) - Method in class
sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter(Component, Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter(Component, Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendPluginMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in class
sendPluginMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
sendPluginMessage(Key, byte[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
sendTitlePart(TitlePart<T>, T) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
sendTitlePart(TitlePart<T>, T) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
SENEGAL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SERBIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SERVER_IMPLEMENTATION_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
SERVER_IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
ServerConfig - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.LOGS - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.PLAYER - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.PROXY - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.RESOURCE_PACK - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.SERVER - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.SERVER.TAB_LIST - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConfig.WORLD - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerConnection - Class in
ServerConnection(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
ServerMessages - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerMessages.ALLOWLIST - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerMessages.CHAT - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerMessages.GAMEMODE - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
ServerMessages.KICK - Interface in cn.ycraft.limbo.config
set(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryIterator
set(String, T) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
SET_PLAYER - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.GAMEMODE
SET_SELF - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages.GAMEMODE
setAbsorption(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setActiveHand(EquipmentSlot) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setAdditionalHearts(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setAir(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setAllowReadOnlyProperties(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
setArmorContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the entities armor to the provided array of ItemStacks
setArmorContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setArmorContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setArms(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setArrowsInEntity(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setBeanAccess(BeanAccess) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
setBlock(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class
setBlock(int, int, int, String) - Method in class
setBlock(Vector3i, BlockState) - Method in class
setBlockState(BlockState) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setBodyRotation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setBoots(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the boots worn by the entity
setBoots(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setBoots(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.event.connection.PacketReceiveEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the cancellation state of this event.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelReason(Component) - Method in class
setCarriedItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
setCarriedItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
setCarriedItem(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
setChestplate(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the chest plate worn by the entity
setChestplate(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setChestplate(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
setContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Completely replaces the inventory's contents.
setCrouching(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setCurrentItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
setCustomName(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setCustomName(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setCustomNameVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setDirection(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Sets the yaw and pitch to point in the direction of the vector.
setElytraFlying(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setEntityId(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setFavicon(byte[]) - Method in class
setFormat(String) - Method in class
setFrom(Location) - Method in class
Sets the location to mark as where the player moved from
setGamemode(GameMode) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setGlowing(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setGravity(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setHandActive(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setHeader(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.file.FileConfiguration
setHeadRotation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setHealth(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setHelmet(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the helmet worn by the entity
setHelmet(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setHelmet(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setInetAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
setInfo(FileConfiguration, File) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.LimboPlugin
setInput(String) - Method in class
setInRiptideSpinAttack(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setInvisible(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setItem(int, ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
setItem(int, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Stores the ItemStack at the given index of the inventory.
setItem(int, ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
setItem(EquipmentSlot, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Stores the ItemStack at the given equipment slot in the inventory.
setItem(EquipmentSlot, ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setItem(EquipmentSlot, ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setItemInMainHand(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the item the entity is holding in their main hand.
setItemInMainHand(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setItemInMainHand(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setItemInOffHand(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the item the entity is holding in their off hand.
setItemInOffHand(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setItemInOffHand(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setLastPacketTimestamp(long) - Method in class
setLeftArmRotation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setLeftLegRotation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setLeggings(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.EntityEquipment
Sets the leggings worn by the entity
setLeggings(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
setLeggings(ItemStack) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInventory
setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setMainHand(byte) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setMainHandItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
setMarker(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setMaxPlayers(int) - Method in class
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
This method allows you to change the maximum stack size for an inventory.
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMotd(Component) - Method in class
setNewItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
setNoBasePlate(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setOffHandItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
setOnFire(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setOnlineMode(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
setPitch(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setPitch(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInteractManager
setPlayerListHeaderFooter(String, String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setPlayersOnline(int) - Method in class
setPose(Pose) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setPotionEffectAmbient(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setPotionEffectColor(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
setProperty(InventoryView.Property, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
setProperty(String, T) - Method in class
setProtocol(int) - Method in class
setResourcePack(String, String, boolean, Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setRightArmRotation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setRightLegRotation(Vector3f) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setScore(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setSelectedSlot(byte) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setServerHost(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
setServerPort(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
setSilent(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setSkinLayers(byte) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setSkipMissingProperties(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
setSleepingLocation(Vector3i) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
setSlot(byte) - Method in class
setSmall(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
setSpawnLocation(Location) - Method in class
setSprinting(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setStorageContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
setStorageContents(ItemStack[]) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
Put the given ItemStacks into the storage slots
setSubTitle(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setSwimming(boolean) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setTitle(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AnvilInventory
setTitle(Component) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.CustomInventory
setTitleSubTitle(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setTitleTimer(int, int, int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
setTo(Location) - Method in class
Sets the location that this player will move to
setType(Key) - Method in class
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
setVersion(String) - Method in class
setWorld(World) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setWorld(World) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setX(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setX(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setX(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the X component.
setX(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the X component.
setX(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the X component.
setY(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setY(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setY(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the Y component.
setY(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the Y component.
setY(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the Y component.
setYaw(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setYaw(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setZ(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
setZ(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
setZ(double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the Z component.
setZ(float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the Z component.
setZ(int) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Set the Z component.
SEYCHELLES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SHA1 - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.RESOURCE_PACK
SHIFT_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Holding shift while pressing the left mouse button.
SHIFT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Holding shift while pressing the right mouse button.
shiftAfter(BitSet, int, int) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.BitsUtils
shortenArgs(String[]) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
showArms() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
showBossBar(BossBar) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
showBossBar(BossBar) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
showPlayer(Player) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A shulker box inventory, with 27 slots of type CONTAINER.
shutdown() - Method in class
SIERRA_LEONE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
silent - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
SimpleBarChart(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimpleBarChart
Class constructor.
SimpleCompleter - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command
SimpleMapChart(String) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimpleMapChart
Class constructor.
SimplePie(String, Callable<String>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SimplePie
Class constructor.
SINGAPORE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.DragType
One item from the cursor is placed in each selected slot.
SingleLineChart(String, Callable<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.SingleLineChart
Class constructor.
SINT_MAARTEN_DUTCH_PART - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
size() - Static method in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.AllowlistConfig
skinLayers - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
SkinResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.MojangAPIUtils.SkinResponse
sleepingLocation - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.LivingEntity
SLOT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
slotChanged(Inventory, int, ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryUpdateListener
slotConvertor - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
SLOVAKIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SLOVENIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
small - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.ArmorStand
SMITHING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A smithing inventory, with 2 CRAFTING slots and 1 RESULT slot
SMOKER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A smoker inventory, with a RESULT slot, a CRAFTING slot, and a FUEL slot.
SOLOMON_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SOMALIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SoundEffect - Class in com.loohp.limbo.sounds
SoundUtil - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.util
SoundUtil() - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.SoundUtil
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
SOUTH_AFRICA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
SOUTH_GEORGIA_AND_THE_SOUTH_SANDWICH_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SOUTH_KOREA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SOUTH_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
SOUTH_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
SOUTH_SUDAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
SPAIN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SpawnCommand - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
SpawnCommand(DefaultCommands) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SpawnCommand
spawnEntity(EntityType, Location) - Method in class
SPAWNPOINT - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.WORLD
splitStringToArgs(String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.CustomStringUtils
sprinting - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
square(double) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
SRI_LANKA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
StandardEntityEquipment - Class in com.loohp.limbo.entity
StandardEntityEquipment(Entity) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.StandardEntityEquipment
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
stashLine() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
StatusPingEvent - Class in
StatusPingEvent(ClientConnection, String, int, Component, int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
STONECUTTER - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Stonecutter inventory with 1 CRAFTING slot, and 1 RESULT slot.
StopCommand - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
StopCommand(DefaultCommands) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.StopCommand
stopServer() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
stopSound(SoundStop) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
stopSound(SoundStop) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
SubCommand<C extends CommandHandler> - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command
SubCommand(C) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SubCommand
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Subtracts the location by another.
subtract(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Subtracts the location by another.
subtract(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Subtracts the location by a vector.
subtract(Vector) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Subtracts a vector from this one.
SUDAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SURINAME - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SVALBARD_AND_JAN_MAYEN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SWAP - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
SWAP_OFFHAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
The "swap item with offhand" key (defaults to F).
SWAP_WITH_CURSOR - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
The clicked item and the cursor are exchanged.
SWAZILAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SWEDEN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
swimming - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
SWITZERLAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
SYNC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType
SYRIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


tab - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager.Executor
tabComplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
tabComplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.GameModeCommand
tabComplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SayCommand
tabComplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.SpawnCommand
tabComplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SubCommand
tabComplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.commands.TabCompleter
TabCompleter - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.commands
tagComponentToJson(Tag<?>) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NbtComponentSerializer
TAIWAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TAJIKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TANZANIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
taskId - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboRunnable
teleport(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
teleport(Location) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
TELEPORT_TO_SPAWN - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
text(String, int, String...) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
text(String, int, Collection<String>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
text(String, String...) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
text(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.SimpleCompleter
THAILAND - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
THE_DEMOCRATIC_REPUBLIC_OF_CONGO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
THROW - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
Tick - Class in com.loohp.limbo.scheduler
Tick(Limbo) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.Tick
TICKS_FOR_CURRENT_FUEL - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
How many total ticks the current fuel should last.
TICKS_FOR_CURRENT_SMELTING - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
How many total ticks the current smelting should last.
TIMER_ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType
TIMER_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType
TIMOR_LESTE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TitledInventory - Interface in com.loohp.limbo.inventory
to(ItemStack) - Static method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.util.ItemUtil
toBlockTag(String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.SchematicConversionUtils
toByte(Object) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
toCompoundTag() - Method in class
toDouble(Object) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
toFloat(Object) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
TOGO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
toInt(Object) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
toIntArray(long, long) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NbtComponentSerializer
toIntArray(UUID) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NbtComponentSerializer
TOKELAU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
toLocation(World) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets a Location version of this vector with yaw and pitch being 0.
toLocation(World, float, float) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Gets a Location version of this vector.
toLong(Object) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
toLongString(BitSet) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.BitsUtils
TONGA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
toShort(Object) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.NumberConversions
toSimpleString() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
toString() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
toString() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
toString() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Returns this vector's components as x,y,z.
toTileEntityTag(CompoundTag) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.SchematicConversionUtils
toVector() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Constructs a new Vector based on this Location
toWorld(String, Environment, CompoundTag) - Static method in class
TPS - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
translateToConsole(String) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
translateToConsole(Component) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
TRINIDAD_AND_TOBAGO - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TUNISIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TURKEY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TURKMENISTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TURKS_AND_CAICOS_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
TUVALU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
type - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
type() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack
type(Key) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ItemStack


U_S__VIRGIN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UGANDA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UKRAINE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UNITED_KINGDOM - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UNITED_STATES - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UNITED_STATES_MINOR_OUTLYING_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
A type of inventory manipulation not yet recognized by Bukkit.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
An unrecognized ClickType.
unknownCommand(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
unregister(String) - Method in class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.CommandHandler
unregisterAllListeners(LimboPlugin) - Method in class
unregisterWorld(World) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Limbo
unregsiterAllCommands(LimboPlugin) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.plugins.PluginManager
Unsafe - Class in com.loohp.limbo.bossbar
Unsafe - Class in com.loohp.limbo.player
Unsafe - Class in com.loohp.limbo
Unsafe - Class in
Unsafe(KeyedBossBar) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.Unsafe
Unsafe(AbstractInventory) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory.Unsafe
Unsafe(InventoryView) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Unsafe
Unsafe(Limbo) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.Unsafe
unstashLine() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.Console
unused - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
UP - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
update() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher
update() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.PlayerInteractManager
update() - Method in class
updateInventory() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
updateInventory() - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
updateInventory() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
updateInventory(Player) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
updateInventory(Player) - Method in interface com.loohp.limbo.inventory.Inventory
updateView() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView
updateWorld() - Method in class
updateWorld() - Method in class
URL - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.RESOURCE_PACK
URUGUAY - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
username - Variable in class
username - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
username - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData
uuid - Variable in class
uuid - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
uuid - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData
UUID - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
UZBEKISTAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


valid - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.bossbar.KeyedBossBar
validateVelocityModernResponse(byte[]) - Static method in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.DragType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.DragType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.EquipmentSlot
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryClickType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryView.Property
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.LimboScheduler.LimboSchedulerTaskType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VANUATU - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
VARINT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType
VATICAN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
Vector - Class in com.loohp.limbo.location
Represents a mutable vector.
Vector() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Construct the vector with all components as 0.
Vector(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Construct the vector with provided double components.
Vector(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Construct the vector with provided float components.
Vector(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Construct the vector with provided integer components.
VELOCITY_FORWARDING_CHANNEL - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils
VELOCITY_MODERN - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PROXY
velocityDataFrom - Variable in class
VelocityModernForwardingData(int, String, UUID, String, List<GameProfile.Property>) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData
VENEZUELA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
version - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.utils.ForwardingUtils.VelocityModernForwardingData
VERSION - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.SERVER
VERSION - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerMessages
VersionCommand - Class in cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults
VersionCommand(DefaultCommands) - Constructor for class cn.ycraft.limbo.command.defaults.VersionCommand
VIETNAM - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
VIEW_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface cn.ycraft.limbo.config.ServerConfig.PLAYER
viewers - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.AbstractInventory
VILLAGER_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType


waitAndKillThreads(long) - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.scheduler.Tick
WALLIS_AND_FUTUNA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
WatchableObject(Object, int, DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
WatchableObject(Object, int, DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType, boolean) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
WatchableObject(Object, int, DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
WatchableObject(Object, int, DataWatcher.WatchableObjectType, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableObject
WatchableObjectType() - Element in annotation interface com.loohp.limbo.entity.DataWatcher.WatchableField
watcher - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.player.Player
WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
WEST_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
WEST_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.location.BlockFace
WESTERN_SAHARA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
WINDOW_BORDER_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Clicking the left mouse button on the grey area around the inventory.
WINDOW_BORDER_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.ClickType
Clicking the right mouse button on the grey area around the inventory.
WOLF_VARIANT - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom
WORKBENCH - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.inventory.InventoryType
A workbench inventory, with 9 CRAFTING slots and a RESULT slot.
world - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
World - Class in
World(String, int, int, Environment) - Constructor for class
WORLDGEN_BIOME - Static variable in class com.loohp.limbo.registry.RegistryCustom


x - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
x - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector


y - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
y - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
YamlOrder - Class in com.loohp.limbo.utils
YamlOrder() - Constructor for class com.loohp.limbo.utils.YamlOrder
yaw - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
YEMEN - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country


z - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.entity.Entity
z - Variable in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
ZAMBIA - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
zero() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Location
Zero this location's components.
zero() - Method in class com.loohp.limbo.location.Vector
Zero this vector's components.
ZIMBABWE - Enum constant in enum class com.loohp.limbo.metrics.Metrics.Country
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